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Our products

Shotoku SX260 ENG Support systems. The SX260 features a brand new ground-up design delivering the highest quality system from Shotoku’s manufacturing plant in Japan.


SX200 ENG Support systems. The SX200 features a brand new ground-up design delivering the highest quality system from Shotoku’s manufacturing plant in Japan


Shotoku SE150 systems provide high functionality and application flexibility designed for the extended range of camera systems available today. These systems feature a high-quality drag system to ensure smooth on-air moves and a multi-level counterbalance system to ensure accurate balancing of a wide range of cameras.


Shotoku SE80 systems provide high functionality and application flexibility and are designed for the extended range of camera systems available today. The SE system range features a high-quality drag system to ensure smooth on-air moves and a multiple level counterbalance system to ensure accurate balancing of a wide range of cameras.


TD-73 dolly is specifically designed to perfectly match the TTH1502C tripod.


SX300 is an EFP pan and tilt head with exceptional performance ideal for a wide range of applications including field production, OB or studio use. A robust design with integrated perfect counterbalance is suited to today’s portable camera systems with payloads up to 40kg (88lbs).


Shotoku SX260 ENG Support systems. The SX260 features a brand new ground-up design delivering the highest quality system from Shotoku’s manufacturing plant in Japan.


SX200 ENG Support systems. The SX200 features a brand new ground-up design delivering the highest quality system from Shotoku’s manufacturing plant in Japan


Shotoku SE150 systems provide high functionality and application flexibility designed for the extended range of camera systems available today. These systems feature a high-quality drag system to ensure smooth on-air moves and a multi-level counterbalance system to ensure accurate balancing of a wide range of cameras.


Shotoku SE80 systems provide high functionality and application flexibility and are designed for the extended range of camera systems available today. The SE system range features a high-quality drag system to ensure smooth on-air moves and a multiple level counterbalance system to ensure accurate balancing of a wide range of cameras.


TD-73 dolly is specifically designed to perfectly match the TTH1502C tripod.


SX300 is an EFP pan and tilt head with exceptional performance ideal for a wide range of applications including field production, OB or studio use. A robust design with integrated perfect counterbalance is suited to today’s portable camera systems with payloads up to 40kg (88lbs).


Shotoku SX260 ENG Support systems. The SX260 features a brand new ground-up design delivering the highest quality system from Shotoku’s manufacturing plant in Japan.


SX200 ENG Support systems. The SX200 features a brand new ground-up design delivering the highest quality system from Shotoku’s manufacturing plant in Japan


Shotoku SE150 systems provide high functionality and application flexibility designed for the extended range of camera systems available today. These systems feature a high-quality drag system to ensure smooth on-air moves and a multi-level counterbalance system to ensure accurate balancing of a wide range of cameras.


Shotoku SE80 systems provide high functionality and application flexibility and are designed for the extended range of camera systems available today. The SE system range features a high-quality drag system to ensure smooth on-air moves and a multiple level counterbalance system to ensure accurate balancing of a wide range of cameras.


TD-73 dolly is specifically designed to perfectly match the TTH1502C tripod.


SX300 is an EFP pan and tilt head with exceptional performance ideal for a wide range of applications including field production, OB or studio use. A robust design with integrated perfect counterbalance is suited to today’s portable camera systems with payloads up to 40kg (88lbs).


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Malesuada ultrices natoque ullamcorper suspendisse penatibus fringilla risus parturient suscipit torquent et condimentum convallis dapibus. Condimentum dui vestibulum fusce pharetra urna mi porta curae a in eu non auctor nulla a condimentum a elit mus.

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Quam a lacinia a ridiculus a penatibus ut in magnis et a conubia a dolor arcu lacinia vestibulum leo eu praesent hac. Erat adipiscing imperdiet nunc erat aliquet tincidunt ut a platea nullam vel vehicula sed semper scelerisque id sit maecenas interdum.

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